Friday 3 October 2014

Arachnophobs look away now....

For part of my autumnal planting, I have bought and planted up a foxtail lily in potato bag full of gritty compost.  I have attempted to grow these before, but thinking back I am certain I put them in the ground crown side down (doh!).

I have to admit when I bought these bulbs the first time over the internet, I thought I had been sent a Halloween decoration by mistake.  There's definitely a creepy crawly quality to them, so much so that my arachnophobic Mum let out a yelp on seeing them!

With eight legged friends in mind, let me share with you a couple of mine.  The first spider lives in my green house were they keep the pests down to a minimum.
Here is he or she feasting on a caterpillar.
The second was visitor in the house.
 She (hubby confirmed this as in his younger years he had a pet tarantula!) was quite a biggie by UK standards, about 3 inches long, she had to be removed from the house in one of those novelty glasses that holds a entire bottle of wine!  A few days later, another spider of the same species but slightly smaller was found by hubby in the bathroom.  I am guessing it was male looking for love.  Sadly for him his potential mate was long gone and he didn't hang around either. I went to grab my camera, only to find on my return that the camera shy spider had scuttled off...  

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